About Us:

The Westosha Falcons Softball Program exists to provide competitive softball opportunities to youth girls who plan on attending Westosha Central. This program is designed to teach and build foundational softball skills, enhance one’s knowledge of the game, play competitively and encourage young female athletes in their development as both an athlete and individual on and off the field.


General Overview:

Athletes of the Westosha Fastpitch Program can expect to have a Fall, Spring/Summer Schedule that incorporates practices,  league and tournament play. Athletes will also have the opportunity to engage in off season practices, camps and open gyms to further their development.


In Season: 

  • Begins in February and will run to end of July.
  • Fall ball approx end of August-October

Off Season:

  • November- February
  • Practices, camps, clinics will be offered to further development



Our teams function and play as a competitive travel softball program that will participate in a variety of tournaments within the relative surrounding areas. There may be opportunities for 1 to 2  for overnight tournaments as well. Teams will play anywhere from 6 to 8 tournaments depending on age level.


League Play:

Our Teams play in the Wisconsin Fastpitch League which consists of a doubleheader one night per week. Each age group has a designated night of play. The league usually runs from June to end of July.



The Westosha Falcons Fastpitch Program offers pitching lessons with two very established and experienced pitching coaches. We believe in the development of our youth athletes and aim to provide all of our players with the proper resources.



  • Westosha Central High School
    • Varsity Field for practices
    • Indoor Batting cages
  • Westosha Sports Complex
    • Indoor Turf facility where each team will get 3 batting cages with machine use
  • Salem Grade School 
    • indoor practice 


The Selection process for the following season will take place early July. This will consist of 1-2 days of evaluations on basic fielding, throwing, hitting and baserunning skills. Pitchers and Catchers will have an additional time for their tryout.

Upon being notified of roster offer, players will have 48 hrs to accept their offer. Upon acceptance there is a $100 non refundable deposit that will go towards the overall cost of the program. Roster size may vary between age groups. Tryouts will take place on the Varsity Field Located at Westosha Central High School.

Age Eligibility:

Age determination will be based off of what the players age is on Sept. 1.

Program Cost & Additional Fees:

  • Overall program cost $700
  • Uniform Cost New Player bundle approx $250


Director: Katie Lecus

Business Manager: John Morman

8u Coaches: Katie Lecus, Megan Greeno, Carrie Weis

10u Coaches: Katie Lecus, Brittany Winter, Ryan Schroeder, Justin Morman

12u Coaches:  Kelly Hill & Tiffany Smith

14u Coaches: Chris & Jen Ihlenfeldt

Hitting Coach: Chyanne Onstad

Pitching Coach: Kristen Christian 

Pitching Coach: Glen Nelson 


Questions or Concerns Contact:

Katie Lecus: Director

email: kclecus@gmail.com